Explanation of this website

Just a piece of paper, eight and a half by eleven inches, with three circles on it and a few words. That paper sat...

Reality Check

I have been thinking of the last few months…. I moved my family from our farm building project in Oregon. I have a motor...

Medicine Sheep

Just enough light from the eastern morning sky to see the distant ridge through a bare branched tree the image of a sheep appeared...

Brothers Horse Ride

Nine degrees fahrenheit, six thirty AM, six inches of snow, two horses, two saddles, one cow elk licence, one rifle, five hunting knives, saddle bags,...

The sheeps perspective

Much has been said about the difference between the shepherd of the old countries especially the middle east and the western tradition of sheep...


The anthropologist within each of us has observed levels of human maturity from one tipping point to the other in society from the shock...

What I see in a camp fire

The white ashes show the snow of winter, the reflection of cold frost and frozen icy rivers. The charcoal hints of the blackness of night...

Becoming Human

Biologically speaking the human is an animal, a mammal who is suited to life in the tropics where warm temperatures will not freeze the...

Power Switches

Turning on the power switch within us. I believe each generation has their challenges unique to their time. There are those who rise to...

Early Morning Lessons

The winter of 1986, christmas time, I was doing morning chores for my great uncle Elwin near our farm in southern Utah. He had...

The Road Not Taken

    The Henry Mountains in southern Utah has enough rocks for each person on the earth to have one of their own. They...