I think Sir Thomas Moore had a crystal ball and saw our day. Just think how great it will be when sickness is a story of the past. When at last we are all the same and diversity is finally understood as the only real evil, then, we the human race will truly have made it.
Why does the Human Being keep asking the same questions when the answers have been the same for ever. The answers have never changed! But we keep asking as if they will. The only way they will change is if we become something besides human. We educate our children and societies are born. The writings of history reveal the same answers over and over again but it is in our nature to follow the path of least resistance and the false beliefs handed to us by our parents. The result builds another false belief that “our” generation has new answers to the challenges we face.
In an attempt to ease the social pain of the acute symptoms of modern society leaders of nations have made decisions based upon the foundation of scientific continual learning that ends up abandoning it’s former theories in the light of new discoveries. Sadly laws, taxes, and platforms are based on “facts” of the time. Thus the experts are “continually learning but never coming to a knowledge of the truth” this is the work of science and we should be grateful for it. But it should not be the foundation from where government leaders find their source of truth.
Acute social symptoms are nearly extinguished when the chronic ones are honestly addressed. I hear government speaking of crime, education, health care, war, taxes and debt. This is all I hear, have ever heard, and I am concerned that it is all they can see! I have heard many feeble though loud attempts of how to fix these acute things. They have never talked about the solutions or addressed the cause of the chronic problem which is manifest in the acute symptom.
Societies are much like wood cutting. I have sat back and observed the world for forty years, just taking it in watching, listening, hearing, feeling, and understanding that when the blade finally gets through the tree it is way too late to plan an escape route from the crashing branches, plunging leaves, and crushing log. The forest is managed for its crop, mature trees are harvested into lumber, paper and fuel. Diseased trees are removed. Harvested mountainsides are replanted and managed for another century and another generation. Overall the process is wholesome, clean, rewarding, regenerative, and pristine. At a closer look the management techniques can differ a little with hugely opposing results. Selective logging verses clear cutting is a prime example.
Stealing, rape, murder, robbery, and debt are human actions caused by the choices of the offender to fill a basic human need that they are deprived of. Education, health care, war, and debt are tools to combat the deprivation. There has been an ever present effective alternative to these solutions that people have discarded over and over from one generation to the next. But it still works with every society that employs it. It is not simple, in fact it is very complex, is it extremely wholesome, and it is the only answer that history has shown to be truly effective. I can explain it in one small word. Family! Too simple to believe because we do not understand the power behind it.
The family is the beginning of society. Without it there are no people. The most basic fundamental beginning of a society starts with a Man and Woman who fall in love, and get Married. From this natural union of love comes the creation of children who are born innocent, with the instinct that the path of least resistance is the least painful. They must learn quickly that this is false. With the formation of many families there are many children who need to learn this vital lesson. Our mother earth is a very good teacher: If we want food in the winter we should raise a crop in the summer. But in the act of raising the summer crop we are taught a host of other things that we share in the winter while we sit by the fire eating our hoard.
We have been taught in recent years that gardening is good therapy for many ailments. It is much more than therapy, it is the answer. Again not a simple one. The answer is not the shallow definition of gardening as we know it but the complete definition of being nourished by the earth, gentle rains, blue skies, plowed fields, earthworms and seedlings. Once the spirit of the earth has entered the heart of a human being they are never the same. Until it does they are ever searching for something they cannot find. They turn to other things to fill that void and governments attempt to treat such symptoms. The earths spirit heals, fills, brings joy, and contentment.
Families are the appropriate social organization that completes the basic needs for each child that is on the earth. All the training of manhood and womanhood should be accomplished in the family organization. The home is the school house and the parents are the experts. The kitchen table is the pulpit where morality is taught.. The backyard is the food factory where the sciences are first explored. The pantry is the grocery store where young chefs find sweet treasures. The family room is the stage where parts are played and music is performed. The kitchen is the restaurant, the social gathering place and the class room of social behavior.
Crime comes from the want to fill a basic human need that is not being met. Families fill the needs and the wants for all humans. Fixing the problems caused by crime is like escaping from a sawn tree in the path where it is falling… there isn’t much time and it is likely that you’re going to get hurt. We are made of the elements of the earth and we learn human traits best by working close to her. Family units combined together to form communities are the most powerful force on the earth.
It is moving backwards for governments to fix problems. Governments role should be to support families in every possible way so mothers and fathers can be mothers and fathers. Give the children back to the parents. Let the grandparents, the aunts and uncles grow old with the kids and let cousins grow to adulthood together.