Power Switches

Henry Mountains-Using tools to see further

Turning on the power switch within us.

I believe each generation has their challenges unique to their time. There are those who rise to leadership and defend their cause and rid the world of evil. There are those who fall in battle, we thank them for their service.  There are the masses who go unnoticed and forgotten. Political agendas are met or left wanting. The population works, plays, rests, lives, breeds, and dies. Businesses come and go. Religions rise and fall. There are the gladiators, the hobbyists,  the driven and the mentally ill. This pretty much sums up the history of the world. Sums it up unless we really want something. Not just want it to happen or to enjoy the benefits. But want to be something, do something, participate in something, hold on to something, love to the richest depths, live to the utmost, breathe the cleanest pure freshness, immerse into life becoming part of it, and change yourself from a child into a new creature, from a woman into an empress, from a man into the monarch.

This is the great challenge of our generation. To really achieve excellence!

 I am on a quest to do just that! Today August 22, 2013… on my 40th birthday I am launching into unknown territory, flying by the seat of my pants, following where others have gone, and leading with tools in my hands. These tools I share freely with you. If you are ready to shed your false self and find your greatness come with me for the next 40 years and watch me build my universe.

Here are a few questions to ponder,, but I don’t know if there is a correct answer.

Is mankind capable of creating greatness?

Are we painters without brushes?

Is time our master or our colleague?

Has nature taught us patterns to follow or ways to shun?

What is human excellence?

What I believe:

Principles and things have potential power. The power may lie dormant forever locked away in nature until the principle is utilised. At this point the power within a principle becomes manifest in the life of the person who is living the law of that principle. All things have potential principe power within them. This is the magic of creation. People live principles every moment without understanding the power they release by doing so. Some principles release positive power and  others release negative power. As we begin to understand the power released into our life when living a principle we gain the knowledge necessary  to create our own universe.

This bold statement is the foundation of my next 40 years. It is up to mankind to discover the truth that lies within nature as we live the life of the pioneering spirit and forge ahead into the realm of human greatness.

Mankind has a long way to go before he can create his universe but in the meanwhile we can become excellent in our own time. We must unlock the power hidden within ourselves. This will release the power  in all other things to work for our benefit.

Knowledge is potential power. Application of this knowledge is creation. It is a human right to transfer the potential power of all things into the kinetic power of creation. But how do we really do it? By living the principle that holds within it the power we need for a particular purpose. It is my belief that all things hold potential power and acquiring the power  is governed by obedience to the laws that  are related or connected to the power we desire. Many times we are simply endowed with  power as we engage our lives near an object (like the ocean) but a closer look and study of behavior blesses us with greater power from the thing we are observing. In other words being near a thing (the ocean) gives a person power but knowledge of the thing (the ocean) can greatly increase the power we receive. At first we usually call it interest in something but we realize it becomes more than that as we tap into its power.

Deep within each of us is the greatest potential power of all. It is the potential for excellence. As we tap into this potential we are turning on the power switch for our personal greatness. But how do we turn on this switch? By living the laws that govern the principles to success. So it really all comes full circle to where we started and we have to make a decision about what we want out of life. In the simplest example we understand that if we want to enjoy the grandeur of the sunrise then we must get out of bed before the sun comes up. Now a little more complicated is the fact that living the principle of rising early will fill our life with unexpected beauties. After watching hundreds of sunrises I concluded that they never get outdated, dull or unattractive, and they are all different. The most wildlife I have observed in my life has been in the early morning hours. The most energetic renewal of my mind has come from these experiences. So I have learned that tapping into the real kinetic power of renewing my mind and heart with the beauties of nature comes from living the principle of interacting with the sunrise for a couple of hours in the morning and living the basic law of getting out of bed before light. So first obey the law, second live the principal, third enjoy the energy you have released and fourth utilize the power it has given you to create. This is what I mean by turning on the power switch. It is ease and available to all human beings. In fact we do it all the time. I have not come up with a silver bullet that will change the world. This has existed forever. Successful, fulfilled, happy people do this all the time. I am writing about it because sometimes we don’t do it and we ask “what do I need to do to be happy” this is the answer!

Turn on the power switch = Obey the law,  Live the principle, Enjoy the energy, Create with power.

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