Do you feel like you have something to offer your community or the world but you don’t know how to get your message out there? Are you an expert in a field of study but are not utilized? Is your knowledge and experience lying dormant, doing nothing to enhance the world? Are you spending your time on everything except the things that are your real core passions? Do you have desires that are unfulfilled? Are there dreams in your mind that you think you will never achieve? Are there words you have to speak that have not been spoken? Do you feel the truth but have not acted upon it?
I often wonder about human fulfillment and human actions. I wonder about various conditions which create opportunity, wealth, joy and fulfillment. I am compelled to compassion at the earthly conditions leading toward poverty, pain, abuse, neglect, selfishness, and apathy. History teaches this simple truth: Two people from the same environment are reared the same way, are taught the same lessons, and learn different things. They go to the same school and get different grades. They receive the same love and they each respond differently. They both fight in the same army and have different political views. They both pray to the same God and they get different answers to their prayers. They marry different women and they get together to do the same thing. I often wonder about the meaning of life.
What is it about the human being or the human condition that compels action or inaction? How do we ask the right questions? Can we find the best answers? The human is lost! The human is weak! The human is the top predator. He is the cleverest of the biological kingdoms. He is in fact so clever that he can live his whole life considering himself beyond the kingdoms, or above them, or not subject to them. The child will question his teacher when he is taught that he belongs to the animal kingdom. How often have you heard a child say: “we are not animals, we are humans!”
The human condition remains a mystery to most of them. They know they were born, that babies are helpless and need great care and love. They know that without education they become witless and dull knowing only the base things of food, water, shelter, sex, and plunder. They know they can have a level of peace and comfort by participating in a society. They understand that the level of prosperity they desire can be achieved by the choices they make within the working mechanics of the society in which they live. Or do they know and understand any of these things? Perhaps not.
One man said it this way: “we live, we learn, we try, we fail, we try again and again until we succeed and then we die”. I do not like this! I choose a different mantra. I say we choose excellence every day. I am not quite sure that we in the human family can agree upon what we are so let us agree to the idea that we may become. Become what we desire. Have you dreamed a dream? Become it. Is there a part of you that needs to be shared? Share it. Is there improvement within your relationships with others? Then improve. Can you do something good today? Do it. Are there songs not sung? Are there poems not penned? Are there books not written? Are there stories un told? Sing them! Pen them! Write them! Tell them! The greatness of the human family is found in these things. We learn when listening, reading, and writing. We become great while creating, serving, and giving. The human being rises above the baseness of the biological animal he is because of his mind. The human mind is a clever devil. It has the capacity for engineering. It has a capacity that has not yet been fully measured. It may be unlimited in its creative ability. It is the gift for each child.
Do we sit and wait for something to happen? Do we want anything? Are we acting with a distinct desire? Have we planned our lives with a purpose? Are we united in power with others who have the same purpose? Are we abiding by the laws that govern the workings of nature? Have we tried to understand these laws that have the power to unlock the greatness within each of us? Do we govern our lives by the abuses of false beliefs placed upon us by those who knew no better?
Find it! Do it! Win! Believe! Try! Share! Testify! Go! Be! Achieve! Accept! Enjoy! Comfort! Encourage! Understand that there is not a plan B.