Explanation of this website

Just a piece of paper, eight and a half by eleven inches, with three circles on it and a few words. That paper sat around the house for a few days. And it changed my life forever!

In short I created this website to share the fun things I have taught my kids in our unorthodox home schooling experience. My purpose is to expose and explore many of the realms of our natures. This site is my personal work, creation, thoughts and experiences.  I have created it to help all mankind. I hope this site is filled with  valuable, practical information for people to be inspired, excited, and motivated to live a life filled to the brim with positive things. I take all the blame for the content.

I believe there is no good reason for extended periods of suffering. I hope to help alleviate some of this negative energy in the world by sharing the lessons of happiness I have learned. I started this website while teaching my four children why they should extend themselves to get great educations and have wonderful experiences in their life. In addition to sharing my own blogs I have included products for sale that have helped my family. These products help us live healthy, fulfilled lives as we reach for our goals. I want you to have the same great opportunity we have had.

The day I knew I needed to share this information is when I once sat my kids down and drew a picture of a target on a blank white paper. In the bulls eye I wrote HUMAN EXCELLENCE. and explained that this is what we are shooting for in life. Then in the outside circle I wrote the words: FORMAL EDUCATION. and explained that this included all the classes, books, music and art that they would ever take, read, listen to and experience. Then I asked them what the blank middle section was. They gave brilliant answers and some goofy ones showing that they were thinking. I finally explained that to get good at hitting the bulls eye of human excellence we must first try to hit the target anywhere. And after hard work practicing we would finally be able to hit on excellency a high percentage of the time. Then they asked “but what is in the middle category” I answered: “this section is where you take your educations and you create something”.  This is where education is transformed into service, production, art, and music. The work and the thought process of knowing what and when to do things, how things fit together, and how those things can create beauty, relieve suffering, and build free nations.

Just a piece of paper, eight and a half by eleven inches, with three circles on it and a few words. That paper sat around the house for a few days. And it changed my life forever! Now I wonder sometimes if I was teaching my kids or were they teaching me.




The miracle of early morning



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